This little monkey is still growing
the same way she has all along. We
are so very thankful for a great report of her mental/physical development. Dr. Amy felt her head and said "her soft spot is gone, she isn't a baby anymore". aooooooohhhhhhh.
31.75 inches long 50%
21.50 lbs. 10%
speaking over 50 words and putting some of them together..Such as "bye bye water, big truck, rain , wet"
Yay!!! Oh, and she runs
Here is her sweet Doctor and SA liked her today but probably won't any longer because I think she will remember that she gets shots from now on.. She called her "octor" How cute is that?
She didn't like the shots today and spent the whole ride home and all the way through lunch telling me that she had an owie and hurt. owie, hurt. hurt momma, owie.. and this was in a sweet little whiney voice.. Needless to say, she had a great nap!
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